Sustainable initiatives
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Erasmus MC aims to embrace the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs- “Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties”) as the guiding principle to obtain a sustainable Erasmus MC. All employees and students will contribute to this endeavor. Whether exploring new possibilities or revisiting traditional methods, Erasmus MC collectively assesses how to reduce their CO2 footprint and implement changes. We have highlighted the following 3 activities:
Train Zone Challenge:
Erasmus MC employees travel often, for example, to attend conferences and symposia. The Trainzone Map clearly indicates which destinations are easily accessible by train. These are destinations within 800 km or less. Traveling by train reduces CO2 emissions 7 to 11 times as compared to undertaken the journey by plane. Therefore, in 2023 Erasmus MC initiated the Train Zone Challenge, promoting travelling to conferences by train rather than by plane. The Department of General Medicine won the challenge and received a certificate and 50 trees that will be planted in Madagaskar and the Netherlands.

Read more: Huisartsgeneeskunde wint Trainzone Map Challenge – Erasmus MC
Bring your own cup!
The department of Public Health was one of the first to promote bringing your own cup to work. From January 1st, 2024, disposable (coffee) cups are banned from the workplace, following European law.